Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3 Epic Horror Stories

The Midnight Bus

Jevandica is a small town which consists of a population of 600 people. The town was infected by unknown diseases which disturbed their population growth. People in Jevanidica believed that it was due to World War 2 bombings the climate is infected which has an impact on their population. Jevanidica had a limited transportation in and out from Jevenidica to Sampaine where Jonathan lived. Jonathan was a hardworker as he loved doing his job and wanted to solve the problem Jevanidica’s people are facing; he usually arrives earlier in the morning and goes late in the evening. Jonathan always wanted to save their small town as he would stay late nights. Whatever he does he always make sure that he leaves office after 9, which is at that time the last bus to Sampaine leaves. It was a Friday afternoon as the clock stroked 9 in the office. As normal, he turned off the lights and locked the doors and moved to the bus halt, which were few steps across the office.

He stood standing in the bus halt thinking about a formula to work out tomorrow. The town clock stroked 9.15, as he lost his attention on the formula which he was imagining but at the giant clock. The town was in pin silence not a voice was heard from the people living in Jevanidica, but a sound of an engine. Jonathan sighed to himself “Ohh! Thank god it’s coming”. The Bus moved slowly which was so unusual, because it usually moves fast. But it was only for a few seconds it made him feel unusual of it. The bus stopped in front of Jonathan, as he got in and sat in and sat in the back seat. He felt strange because there weren’t any one in the bus apart from the driver and the conductor. The driver moved the bus as slowly as a tortoise. Jonathan could not tolerate as he shouted at the driver. The bus stopped at a glance. The driver turned at Jonathan from the darkness. Jonathan was shocked when he saw the driver’s face, his face was burnt and his eyeballs were white like a frog egg which blood spilled from the eyes. Jonathan believed that the disease had made him like this. He looked directly into him as he stayed seated. The driver stood from his seat and came towards Jonathan. He looked more studiously at the driver and he found out that his guess was wrong. According to his theories the driver was not an infected person but was something else. Jonathan started to fear and he stayed near the window. The bus walls started to drip blood from the ceilings, windows and seats. The driver came so close to him that Jonathan could not think but to scream and close his eyes.

“Help Me!” shouted Jonathan as he woke up from a bark of a dog nearby. “Don’t worry” shouted a dull voice. It was the town’s policeman, Harper. He shouted as he looked surprised at Jonathan. “You are the only person who survived yesterday after the fire” said Harper. Jonathan was clueless as he only could remember was a terrible driver close to him. He got down from the bus with the policeman. “What do you mean? Fire!” questioned Jonathan. But none responded to his question.

As usual Jonathan got ready to go to work. His attention was drawn as he heard his name been said in one of the radio channels. He ran towards the radio as he turned the volume high. “Breaking News, The Bus 1051SA from Jevanidica to Sampaine suddenly caught a fire around 9.00 yesterday night, the driver the conductor was found dead inside the bus. The suspectors say that the bus must have caught fire due to an engine problem, because some have seen it broken down in many places. However the two bodies were found burnt due to massive flames when they were taken out from the bus. Only one survivor was left alive after the fire called Jonathan Angler as said by policeman Harper. That’s it for today. Im Sarah Dennis”. “That’s strange..Then how..the bus..9.15” as he spoke gently to himself.



The Train Apartment 403

It was a happy day for Revan as he could not wait to go back home after long days of stay in the army, It was vacation. He left the base at 9.00 o’clock in the night as the train from Fredicazza to Hendalo was about to leave to Hendalo at 9.30pm. The ticketing person was busy working on the tickets to be sold for the passengers. “David!” said the ticketing person. “I accidently wrote a ticket depicting 403, make sure you don’t issue the ticket” said Goitus the ticketing person. As he stood up and packed his bag to go home. “David! I’m leaving!” said the old voice. “Ok! Mr. Goitus” said the young guy as he sat on the seat.

“G-rrring G-rrring” sounded the old phone. “Hello! Ohh how r u” said David as he started speaking with her girlfriend. Revan reached the station at 9.35 as he was bit late, as the train was about to leave to Hendalo. Revan came running towards the ticketing counter. “Hey!” shouted Revan. “Please I need a ticket” as he spoke in a rush with his hand in the pocket. “Sorry! The tickets are sold” yelled David as he reached the board “Counter Closed”. “Please” sighed Revan. “I’m a soldier and we have got vacation, so I need to get in to this train or else I’ll have to wait another 8hrs for the next train” said Revan with sympathy. “Ok! I got one ticket but its.” said David showing the ticket to Revan. “Wssh..” grabbed the ticket from David’s hand. “The money’s on the table” shouted Revan as he jumped over to the 403 apartment. “But..But!..don’t go in that” shouted David, as he came running towards the moving train. “Thanks! Buddy” shouted Revan as he moved his head from the apartment waving his hand.

The apartment was bit dull and dark as he was suspicious about the apartment. The apartment was corroded and only a couple of seats were left in it. Revan walked to the back of the seat with his bag on his left hand and sat near the window sill. He did not travel that long he felt asleep. A strange voice whispered “Hi” as he woke up with tragedy. “Hey right here” said a voice next to his seat with a weird smile. Revan immediately focused his eyes on the direction of the voice. He was so surprised to see a beautiful women looking at him. She wore a white blouse with a long white skirt just like her long black hair. “Hi, from where did u get in, I didn’t see you inside the train in Fredicazza” said Revan looking at her. “Actually, I got in from Helldorita…You were asleep, so I didn’t want to wake you up…But I had to wake you up now because I felt so bored” said the beautiful women looking outside at the moving trees. “So, where are you going in this dark night..and alone” questioned Revan blushing and litting a cigarette from his pack. “Ohh..I’m going to see someone to help me” said the beautiful women shredding tears. Revan felt so sad when he saw her crying. “Hey! Whats wrong…why are you crying” asked Revan as he stood up and sat near the opposite seat next to her. “Nothing..” said the women wiping her tears. “So..what makes you going in this train” asked the women. “Well!..I’m a soldier and I’m going home for vacation” said Revan leaning so comfortably in the seat and as he added “Nothing like home”. “Yeah.. You are so lucky to have a home…I once had a home” said the women as she halted and started to shred tears again. Revan felt nothing like this before not even in war, he felt so caring to the strange women. “Tell me..Is there anything wrong!” said Revan as he touched her hand. “Ohh my god!...Your hand is so cold” sighed Revan. “You will not want to hear this story” said the women looking at Revan in his eyes. “No! go ahead tell me” said Revan. “My name is susan, I also had a beautiful family, we lived so happily but we did not have money and life was hard in our family. I had no choice but to find a job to live my parents, because I was the only girl in the family. I joined the army as a soldier on 1852 and till a couple of years we didn’t get any vacation. However, we got our vacation after 5 years. Once I heard that they have given vacation I could not imagine anything but home and my parents. It was a stormy day; I can remember I reached the station at 9.30 as I was alone and the train from Fredicazza didn’t show up in Helldorita. There was a person inside the ticketing counter, so I went and asked “Excuse me! At what time does the train comes to Heldorita”. He looked at me as he has never seen a woman throughout his years. He replied “Well! You can come with me to Fredicazza..I think the train must be still there because it will be leaving late today. I didn’t feel suspicious about the man but I left with him. As we drew off to the station I felt a bit nervous because none was to be seen in the station. He said me to get into the train apartment 403 which I got on and sat in this seat. I felt something strange about this man but I had no choice too, because all I wanted was to go home” said the woman as she stopped for a break and started to shred tears. “Tell me I’m listening...And please…don’t cry, I feel so sad” said Revan as he pulled another cigarette out of his box and litted. The woman started to continue after a break. “It was all over, he got whatever he wanted and I was no more” said the woman closing her face with her cold hands.

Revan felt excited after hearing the sad story. “So, what did you do…you should have killed him” said Revan looking at the woman’s eyes and puffing the smoke in the air. “I was too late he pushed the knife over me and killed me” said the woman looking at Revan with sympathy. “What?” paused Revan in silence, as his half smoked cigarette dropped off his fingers. “You are dead…” questioned Revan. “Please, don’t leave me…All I want is punish this man so that my soul will be free” replied the woman looking outside from the window sill. Revan felt a bit nervous after hearing that the woman was dead. But, he felt that she was no harm to him. “Will…you help me?” asked the woman looking at Revan innocently. “Ok! I will” said Revan litting another cigarette from his pack as he stood and leaned beside the door of the moving train. “Thankyou” said the woman as she stood up and started floating in the air towards the back of the seat. Revan’s finger’s slipped the next cigarette as he saw that the woman had no legs as she floated towards the back of the apartment. “Please…come” said the woman as she opened a big box that was a size of a coffin. Revan moved towards the woman, he was shocked to see the woman’s body in the box. The body was purified and the worms popped out from the body’s nose mouth and eyes and the flies were already feeding on the dead body. “Is th…at…y…o..u” bluffed Revan. “Yes, till that day onwards no one appeared to come to this apartment, but today thank god you have come” said the woman closing her eyes and looking at the bright stars above. “You have evidence to prove that this man killed me” said the woman as she reached a knife and a pair of cloth with a small picture of him.

“He’s the ticketing person in Fredicazza. As I have seen him in the ticketing counter” said the woman with her eyes wide open with anger. Suddenly something struck on Revan’s mind on the ticketing person in Fredicazza saying not to go in this. “It’s time for me to go” said the woman. “And please one more favor” said the woman pausing for a second and shredding a tear from her eye. “Tell my parents that I’m dead, they don’t know about it and give this money to them…please” said the woman as she stood near the door of the apartment. “But…why are you leaving” asked Revan with the bag of money in his hand. “I cannot move along from here…the next station is the station is where I should have got off that day…my little city Panozza…where I was born…my home. As the train passed the station of Panozza the figure disappeared into the dark sky. Revan felt so bad moving with a dead body in the apartment alone. Revan went to the front seat and slept till he reached his destination. The train horned as it reached Fredicazza.

Revan got up as he heard the horn feeling so happy, as he saw the sign post “Welcome to Fredicazza”. However, he knew that he had a mystery to solve. He stood up and looked at the back of the seat to see whether the box exists. It resided on the same place as it was once seen. He got off the train and ran to the police station with the evidence in his hand.

He reached the police station and told everything to the policeman what the woman told him. The police reacted quickly and called the Hendalo police station and it was founded that Mr. Goitus who have done the offence. He was arrested by the police charging him a penalty of 20 years in prison. Revan drove off to Panozza in his car and returned the money to the woman’s parents and explained what happened to her and returned home. Revan enjoyed his vacation with his family so happily after solving a great mystery in life.



Wayne's Garden

The rain started to haunt another Friday which made the orphans to stay back again in their rooms. The orphans did not like to stay back in their rooms and study for the coming exams on May. The Gonipase orphanage was the biggest orphanage for the town of Hectabase. Hectabase was used as a research area on the early times; it was not a developed area, only small groceries were found for people’s day to day needs. No hospitals, police posts were located. But the people in Hectabase were strong people and most of them grew medicated plants to heal in times of sickness. “Haven’t the children come back yet” shouted a grizzly voice from the big room. “No, miss Shenita” sighed the old pale women. Miss Shenita was the owner of Gonipase orphanage; she started the orphanage when she was in her 20’s. She always wanted to start her very own orphanage and show care towards the need, which made her think when she was left by her parents on her 18th birthday. “They must be near the old Wayne’s garden” said the old pale woman as she turned back towards the window. Miss Shenita got up from her big old chair turning towards the big cane. She went outside with the big umbrella and the cane in her left hand. The rain started to pour increasingly which the mist covered the sight of Miss Shenita. She shouted “Children where are you” as she walked passed over the swamp.

“She’s coming” said Jennifer, who was a child in the orphanage. “Miss Shenita” shouted the children whom were hiding on the large trunks of the elm trees which covered the forest. Miss Shenita moved towards the voices and found the children under the trunks. “Come here…You all are getting wet” said the old voice. The children ran towards Miss Shenita’s umbrella for shelter. “Where’s Jennifer & Orland?” asked Miss Shenita as she counted the children from their heads. “They went to Old Wayne’s garden” replied Luther pointing his fore finger towards the garden. Miss Shenita’s blew with anger tightening her teeth as she shouted “How many times have I told you’ll not to go the garden”. “We didn’t…We warned them not to go…but it was Orland who wanted to go” said Jessica shivering in cold. “Go back to the orphanage…and next time if you’ll don’t come back before it rains, I’m not going to take you’ll in” shouted Miss Shenita giving the big umbrella to Luther. The children returned with the umbrella in hand. Miss Shenita grabbed a banana leaf to stay away wet from the torrential rain.

Old Wayne’s garden was the biggest garden and the most beautiful garden in Hectobase, which was covered by a huge wall which none could see inside of it in It was named as Old Wayne’s because there once lived a person named Wayne who was a scientist. No one knew what he was doing, but people in Hectobase believed that he had the best garden ever. It was one day when some strange people dressed up in black, took him saying that he has been doing weird experiments in his house. However, people in Hectobase believed that something creepy is covered within the walled garden. Until then Wayne never returned neither anyone went inside the walled garden.

“Jennifer…Orland” shouted Miss Shenita as she maximized her voice vigorously. She paused as she came across the walled garden. Miss Shenita couldn’t believe once she saw the huge wall covering the whole land, though she have heard about it but she haven’t seen for real. She moved towards the left direction of the wall. She walked and walked until she could find the entrance. After several kilometers away, there stood the entrance. There stood a large gate just as the size of the wall, worn as roots of trees have already grasped the beauty of the gate. The right side of the gate was broken as some of the grills were broken half. Miss Shenita did not find any reasons for why Mr. Wayne was taken away. However, she felt strange about the environment. The rain never stopped but flooded the area around. Miss Shenita had no choice but to find Orland and Jennifer before bedtime.

“Zwang….” opened the gate wide open as she entered the garden. The surrounding was dark and foggy. “Orland, Jennifer” shouted Shenita. “Whoosh” moved someone from her behind. She turned with a glance to see who it was. “Jennifer! Is that you” shouted Shenita moving slowly towards the sound. Then the same sound was again heard from the left side of Shenita. She panicked as she moved back two step behind. She turned red as she started shouting “Don’t play the fool with me, and don’t let me come near you and take you’ll by the ear”. Suddenly she felt someone screaming from the inside of the house. “Ohh..my god!..Jeniffer” whispered Shenita to herself.

She ran and ran and stood upon the main door of Wayne’s house. “Jennifer, Orland where are you’ll” shouted Shenita continuously peaking her head from the worn dried windows which looked as it had passed off the hay days. “Help me!” shouted the voice again from the shrubs of a small pine tree. She saw the shrubs shaking as the dry leaves fell from the dead tree. Shenita felt panicked as she reached the shrubs with fear. The shaking of the shrubs remained silent. She threw a piece of tweak on to the shrubs to assure that there weren’t anyone. She felt quite alright when she found that there weren’t anything inside the shrubs. She opened her eyes wide as she saw there was a big burrow like hole digged beside the shrubs. It was as deep as a tunnel that any standard human can push into. “Ohh my god…What on earth is this” replied Shenita as she fell down on her knees peeping her head towards the deep burrow. She couldn’t believe why Wayne had digged such a big burrow for, however there were strange ideas that came to Shenita’s mind but she remained keeping them for herself. She shouted aggressively peeping her head towards the burrow. “Orland, Jennifer…are you there”. No sign or no voice was heard from the burrow beneath unless the voice of Shenita echoing back on her.

The rain never stopped but continuously started dripping over and over on the swampy ground. She felt so fed up and tired, she knew that was the best she can search the children. She stood up feeling so sorry for Jennifer and Orland as she turned away. “whack!” hit something on her head. All she could see was a muddy figure with cherry like red eyes smiling at her in a wicked manner. She felt down restlessly.

Shenita woke up after sometime as she felt a headache. However, she tried to pull her hand as then she noticed that she’s hands were tightened on the wall. She looked here and there and noticed like she was far below the ground some several miles from the ground level. She felt a purified smell like a rat had been swollen for months. She turned to her left to see it was Orland and Jennifer killed brutally where their skin has been scraped till pink. And their lungs were already pulled off from their body.

Shenita felt so frustrated and sorry towards the children and started crying. Suddenly she heard a graceful voice humming toward the big burrow. She opened her eyes as she stopped crying. She couldn’t see who was heading her way but she felt that whoever it wasn’t a human. The thing came closer to Shenita and stopped beside her. She felt afraid but she had no opportunity to escape. The thing looked on to her eyes, it’s red eyes observed Shenita from top to bottom. It stopped its eyes as its eyes spotted on her lungs. Shenita knew it was her time to go; the only thing that could be done at that moment was to close her eyes and pray for help.

Another dull day, the continuous rain never stopped. The children in the orphanage were scared because Miss Shenita never returned. The two maidens went on search of Miss Shenita on the morning. They searched, but no sign of Miss Shenita was found. They returned back to the orphanage. Suddenly two crows flied over passing the two maidens with a flash, which made them to look where they went. They flew on to the top of an oak tree and landed on a carcass. They paused for a while and looked very closely at the dead carcass. One of the maiden sighed “Ohh my god…its Miss Shenita”, as she covered her mouth with her wet hands. Only her face was left to be identified, the whole body was tored all over and the crows were feeding on the dead carcass happily. Her body stood near the big oak tree near the big wall of Wayne’s Garden. Something distracted the other maiden’s eye. “Look, there’s something written on the wall,….It says…Never Enter Without Our Permission”. It was written in pure blood splatted on the wall.

They did not stand any more near the wall but returned back to the orphanage with tears in their eyes, the only thing they could do was to share this crisis among them.



Murder in the Drain

Among the dark side beneath the big houses in Townsend apartments, below the shallows of the drain, someone has been murdered. The dripping of the cold drops of water or the freezing breeze that kept the people sleeping in the foggy night, had no sympathy towards the cold body that was somewhat covered with the waste water and the fresh water of the rains dripping on from the sills of the drain. There she lied beautiful over the drowned waters. The rain did not stop neither the hungry dogs poking their noses over the sills of the drain to have a bite. The raided rats have already taken the control of their hungry stomachs. There she stood lying over the pouring rain. None can see either the busy trespasses passing over the pedestrians, not even the beggars who stood awake till they earn a penny to fight their starvation. Only the glimpse of the moon and the sparkling stars were able to see the girl lying beneath. Only one voice yelled the whole ground into a hazard. It was Mr & Mrs Treispane looking at the misty windows wiping off the mist minute- by-minute till their lovely daughter to arrive and join with them for dinner, which was the first dinner they were on to have after the good old days with her.

The roads started to heat on, the smoke of the speeding vehicles and the voices of the trespassing people for work, colored a new day a new morning. It was a new turn a new way a fresh day to start life again. However, it was only for some, the others waited for someone to reach home soon. Mr & Mrs Treispane watched tardily at the moving vehicles passing by to stop and show out their daughter Daisy. The weak eyes couldn’t stand any more for Mr & Mrs. Treispane to stay another hour awake, they eventually swayed and swayed and dropped dead. “Beep! Beep!” sounded a vehicle which woke the two frustrated figures Mr & Mrs Trispane. “She’s here finally” said Mr Treispane with a smile on his face. They ran towards the gate near the car. Mr Tresipane’s broad smile faded little by little when he found that it was not a normal car, but a police car, he felt that by the way the car stopped, it had some severe force behind and in what the policeman was going to say. “Are you Mr & Mrs Tresipane” questioned the good old guy pulling his hat off”. “yeah..” sighed Mr & Mrs Tresipane. “Well! Don’t hurry yourself, your daughter has been murdered last night” replied with a low voice in sympathy. Mr & Mrs Tresipane felt defensed by hearing this, hot tears started pulling off Mr Tresipane’s eyes not the strongest breeze can cool it out as for Mrs Tresipane sat on the ground keeping her hands on her head and crying unstoppably. “Plz, Mr Tresipane you need to come to the police station tomorrow. Your daughter is in Matthews Hospital” said the policeman by wearing his old faded brown hat on his head while heading back towards the car.

Mr & Mrs Treispane reached the hospital immediately. The hospital was full crowded not the better days which was used to be then. Some faces look so happy but some were disappointed. The doctors and nurses ran on and off like saviors. Finally, there they reached the ward of their daughter. She was covered with a discolored white sheet from her toes to her head. The doctor looked at Mr & Mrs Tresipane in deep sympathy, not god or a hero could live the young girl or the doctor who stood still. The doctor reached the covers as he opened it; there she stood lying innocently. Her skin discolored due to muddy water and her hair messed all over with tree leaves stroked among. Only her broaden smile that was so beautiful that brought a bit of light & hope to Mr & Mrs Treispane. They wanted to say that they are here for her only if she opened her eyes and touched them “daddy mummy”, just like the small days she used to come home before dawn, through the plain white door which is now worn and dead after several years of her leaving the house. “Hi!..im sorry about your daughter” sighed the policeman looking at Mr Tresipane. “Murdered!” sighed the faded voice of Mrs Treispane, which she never heard it or wanted to hear the statement once the policeman said “your daughter” once. “Yes maam” whispered the good old policeman looking at Daisy’s body while pointing on a big bruise that marked on her neck, red in color. “Look maam…someone must have tighten her neck with something” said the policeman with assurance.

Daisy’s life was the wonderful light that brought happiness to Mr & Mrs Treispane. Daisy grew up with Mr & Mrs Treispane till she attained college. After that she left her parents for further studies in the university. Till then she was cared and looked over by her parents. Since then she took over her life to succeed in life and to become an engineer to serve the community.

Another fine day the road was covered by yellow & black stripped lines by the FBI agents to observe and discover evidence. The FBI searched every possible area to find any symptoms to capture the criminal behind the scene. Not any signs or person was found to be the victim. The FBI agents failed to discover any sign or clue of the victim. Only one possible way they could track this case was to question out her friends.

Another pragmatic day, a confused morning, a mystery that needed answers for. Only if the moon or stars could speak out they would have unveiled the secret. However, it still needed evidence to be proven to the world about the crime scene behind it. It is not a case to punish the innocent but the guilty. “Tap! Tap!” knocks at the door. A young girl in the 25s opens the door. “Good morning maam, we are from the FBI, we are here to ask quite a bit of questions regarding Daisy”. “Please come in” replied the girl who was smoking a six inch cigar. “Well maam what do u know about daisy” questioned a FBI agent. “Well daisy was one of my best friend, she left at 8pm from here from the hostel” where I was fully drunk after clubbing where I slept the whole night” replied the girl lighting another cigar. The FBI agent’s eyes were already on observance like a dog sniffing for food and they judged that she wasn’t the victim from the hot tears that pushed out from her eyes every second. The FBI agent stood up and thanked the lady and went back.

Daisy’s parent never wanted to leave her until she takes dinner with them. They stood the whole day looking at her daughter, not even caring about themselves. The scar her neck was swollen and cold. It was a deep cut, a straight round as if it was tightened with the aid of a ruler. It proved that it was done with anger and stress. The evening passed with deep sorrow, so was the morning sun that observed a weeping mother. It was another night with the moon up in the sky that remained silent as it was forced to keep the secret. The moon glowed over her pale face which her beauty had far gone as if it had a lot to care for her dead body. Far apart sat the old weak parents seated starving, with anger, frustrated and sadness looking at how their daughter slept forever without them being informed. Only if the dull night, the mice under the drains and even more the shades of the golden moon that had evidence hid itself from uttering to the weak parents to punish the guilty.

Time passed speedily but no evidence was found of the murder. The FBI covered and explored everywhere they could but failed to discover patterns of murder. She was buried on to the wet sands beneath. Her beauty had gone after a week of her in the coffin bed. No did her parents wanted to bury her, neither did the birds and the trees where they chirped and blew thinking they could help her to feel and wake her up before she’s about to be buried into the wet sands. But it was late, she’s already gone not even the mild hurricane can wake her up. Her evidence remained silent & perished remaining the guilty free of charge.

Another dull night on the street the dripping of rain started to flood the street. The beggars ran out for shelter towards the roofed doors and apartment doors with their usual baggage they use to carry here and there. The roads were empty once again, no busy trespasses, no hungry dogs, no vehicles were found moving over the flooded waters. People in the houses were asleep up to their toes not even cared about what is going on in the environment. The moon lit its glow which brightened the street apart from the dull light post that stood side by side with its dim light, some dead, some struggling to survive, blinking on and off. The torrential rain never stopped but continuously dripped on hard to the ground filing drop by drop to the energetic flood. Two sparkling lights came over the streets with rage running hard on the flood splashing the water on the sleeping beggars. It was a black car which was big in length. The car came running hard and stopped near a drain. The wipers operated speedily swinging side to side to clear the water. No one observed the car on the streets neither the wet beggars that were splashed water with, not even the other beggars who stood woke because of hunger. Only the moon that stood above was watching the car and its movement. The door of the car opened as a tall man with a black rain coat that covered his body in full and a jumbo hat that covered his appearance and not even the hands were seen, which were covered with a pair of old gloves that had fade its original color, got off the car with a dead body dragging off his car. “Splash!” pushed the body on to the flooded drain. The body pushed in easily to the drain without any difficulty. The person got on the car without keeping evidence behind. With a rush he turned his wheel and drove off.

There she stood so beautiful on the drain. Another heavy cut bruise on her neck. There she stayed smiling at the moon glow thinking it will help her in punishing the victim. The water dripped off the sills of the drain filling her body with fresh clean and unclean water that filled the drain congested. Another girl murdered in the drain. Only the moon was able to say but it kept silent.